Registration for attending the conference is mandatory.
Registration includes access to the conference rooms, conference material, coffee breaks but not social dinner (see below).
Online registration closes on May 18th, 2022. Registration at the conference site will be available.

ParticipantReduced fee before March 14th, 2022March 31st, 2022Registration fee from April 1st, 2022
UMI member – Faculty members120 Euros150 Euros
UMI member – NON Faculty members or Ph.D. students or Ph.D defense after 01/01/201960 Euros80 Euros
NON UMI members – Ph.D. students or Ph.D defense after 01/01/2019100 Euros120 Euros
NON UMI members200 Euros230 Euros

The social dinner will take place on Wednesday May 25th, 2022. at the magnificent Villa Foscarini Rossi in Stra. The fee is 55 Euros per participant.

Booking of social dinner is now closed.
A waiting list is open at the Registration desk, opening on Monday 23rd.

Only registered people (and one accompanying person) can participate to the social dinner. Free dedicated shuttles to/from the Villa will be available for participants.

Villa Foscarini Rossi
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